10 Ways Life Changes at 40: Embracing a New Decade

“If life really changes at 40, it’s because that’s when women finally get it… the guts to take back their lives.” – Laura Randolph

Next month, I’ll be turning 40. Another decade has gone by, and a new decade is about to begin.

Truthfully, the thought of joining the ‘40s club’ has been both exciting and stressful. Maybe I’m overreacting a bit, but it feels like I’m making one of the biggest transitions of my life.

I once thought that turning 40 was a big deal for most people because it signifies “getting older.” And while that may be true, I have to say that turning 40 represents so much more than age.

I’m not officially 40 yet… but being only a few weeks shy of my 40th birthday, I felt led to write this post. Plus, I’ve been speaking with a few people who are in their 40s. And they seem to agree with many of my points of view…

Turning 40 brings about several changes. And thankfully, most of the changes I’m experiencing seem to be for the good. Sure, I have a few more aches and pains, but a lot more wisdom to go along with it. Here are 10 ways life changes at 40!

1. You Accept and Love Yourself

Early in life, many of us struggle with lack of self-love and acceptance of ourselves. But as we get older, we gain a greater sense of appreciation for who we are.

By the time you’re 40, you’ll likely have a lot more life experience under your belt—experiences that will help you embrace your beauty and uniqueness. The beauty of getting older is that you start to rely less on others for your sense of worth. And instead, you begin to look inward for your value.

2. You Choose Comfort Over Style

As you approach your 40s, you begin to choose comfort over style. Not only do our bodies change as we get older—but so does our fashion sense. In fact, I recently threw away most of my high-heels, as I usually opt for flats these days…

Balancing comfort and style is key for maintaining my confidence. It’s important that my clothing makes me look—and feel—like my best self.

3. You Enjoy Your Own Company

It becomes more natural to enjoy our own company as we age. While I’ve always appreciated solitude as an introvert, I’ve gained an increased desire to connect with myself.

Spending time with others is important—but taking time for myself is what keeps me grounded. Having space to reconnect, reflect, and get in touch with ourselves is vital for our growth and happiness.

4. You Don’t Take Anything for Granted

Aging and gratitude go hand in hand. The closer you get to 40, the more you appreciate everything and everyone around you.

At this stage of my life, I don’t take much for granted. I try to cherish every moment with those I love, and I try to be more present in my everyday surroundings.

5. You Become More Health-Conscious

At 40, you may start to notice changes in your nutritional needs, physical abilities, and more. Although these changes may not be severe, they may require you to take a new approach to your self-care routine.

As we all know, aging alone is a blessing. But aging with grace is even better. Looking and feeling good in your 40s and beyond, requires making conscious choices that support your health and well-being.

Celebratory balloon number 40, to represent the title, "How Life Changes at 40."

6. You Take Life Less Seriously

One of the best things about turning 40 is that you no longer sweat the small stuff. You understand that time is precious, and that everything isn’t worthy of your attention. With this in mind, you begin to take life a little less seriously. This may look like letting go of things you can’t control, laughing more, and expressing yourself more freely.

7. You Choose Yourself Over Others

Choosing yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential. When we’re young, choosing our own peace and comfort over others can feel like a selfish act. However, as we get older, we come to realize the importance of making ourselves a priority.

Choosing yourself may look different on different days. But ultimately, it should involve making decisions that feel right for you and giving yourself the love and care that you deserve.

Woman smiling and embracing how her life is changing at 40.

8. You Prefer a Simpler Way of Living

Life is a temporary journey. And the more we understand this, the more we want to slow down and savor each moment.

By the time you’re 40, you may find that constant busyness and rushing just don’t cut it for you anymore. Instead of today’s fast-paced lifestyle, you may start to crave a simpler, more relaxed way of living.

9. You Write Everything Down

What also changes at 40 is our increased ability to forget things. At this stage of life, you may find yourself writing everything down.

Managing everyday tasks can become more challenging as we age. I personally find posting handwritten notes throughout my home—along with setting daily reminders in my phone—to be an effective strategy for remembering my to-dos.

10. You Still Don’t Have It All Figured Out

When we’re young, we have a tendency to think that we’ll have our whole life sorted out by a certain age. But the older we get, the more we realize that life is rather complicated—and things won’t always work out as planned.

At this point of my life—I’ve reached some pretty big milestones—and I’m proud of the way things are unfolding. However, I still don’t have it all figured out, and I’m not sure if I ever will. In fact, I feel like I’m rediscovering myself and my purpose.

Life changes at 40, in both expected and unexpected ways. And change can sometimes feel scary—even when it’s good change. But I’m welcoming this new decade with open arms. Because what’s certain is that I’m not the same person I used to be… and I love that for me! Cheers to 40!!!

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28 responses to “10 Ways Life Changes at 40: Embracing a New Decade”

  1. Virginia Silas Avatar
    Virginia Silas

    Thanks for sharing this. These are all great points. Number 9 made me smile ☺️. It’s the daily to-do lists (sticky notes on doors and mirrors, reminders on my phone, etc) that help to add focus, organization and structure to my days and make my life a little easier.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Oh, yes… I know you can relate to number 9, LOL! I’ve seen the sticky notes posted around your house. And now I totally get it! 😉

  2. Marquita Ball Avatar
    Marquita Ball

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I was so excited when I turned 40 and nervous too, but when I turned 40, I started to experience some of things you mention already before I got here. Now with being 40, I am enjoying it and this was enlightening and refreshing I am still also learning and trying new things with this new 40. I can’t wait to read more.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Hey friend! I’m happy you enjoyed this post. And I’m glad to hear that you’re embracing your 40s era. Cheers to us! ❤️

  3. Jenee Avatar

    Turning 40 is a blessing, another decade of lessons learned 🙌🏽 it’s funny how no matter how old you get your always a student of life !

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      It’s a blessing indeed! And you’re so right, we’re always a student of life. Just when we think we have it all figured out, we learn something new. ❤️

  4. Hari Avatar

    Although I am not 40, I agree with most of your points. I truly believe that it is for our good.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Indeed, Hari. Growth (at any age) is always for our good. ❤️

  5. Heidi Avatar

    I enjoyed this list. I can definitely relate to forgetting things! 🙂

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoyed this list, Heidi. And yes ma’am, the forgetfulness is real! 😅

  6. Anthuwin Cupido Avatar

    Life begins at 40! I never believed that popular phrase but realized that it had some truth in it after I hit that milestone in age. Thanks for sharing your point of view!

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Same here! I understand what that phrase means now that I’m approaching that milestone. I think that life (and genuine happiness) really does begin around 40. ❤️

  7. Candy Avatar

    I love this 🥰 I’m definitely coming back to read this again 💓 I’m doing #9 already and I have 10 more years to get to 40. 😁

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Already experiencing number 9? I guess you’re “beyond your years, LOL!” ☺️ I’m happy to hear that you loved this post. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Crystal Avatar

    These are all valid lessons learned about turning 40. I am now 45, and it is amazing the difference in my life. So many of the things you listed are completely true.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      I’m glad you can relate, Crystal!

  9. Niharika Verma Avatar

    I will be turning 30 next year and I am like mentally 30 already lol. I totally relate to some of the feelings here 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      The 30s are awesome as well. My 30s were much better than my 20s honestly. It gets better with time I think! 😉

  10. Jacqie Naya Avatar

    It’s incredibly refreshing to know that I can look forward to this. It’ll take me a while to get there but I’m hopeful!

  11. Elizabeth Avatar

    I relate to 98% of the list. Gezzz!! So my foggy brain it’s not just a mummy brain but now also soon to be 40 young too?? Mamma Mia!! God save me!! 😂

  12. Youngandoldermum Avatar

    Great post – I can relate to so many , especially writing things down and enjoying my own company .

  13. Laurel Avatar

    I’m 34 and I already feel like I do most of these things. My social circle is smaller and my heels are just for looking pretty on dinner dates.

  14. Karen Kasberg Avatar

    My 40s were some of my best years!! Enjoy the ride!!

  15. Vince Baugher Avatar

    Sheenia, thank you for sharing your insightful reflections on turning 40. Your blog beautifully captures the growth and self-awareness that comes with entering this new decade. It’s wonderful to see how you’re embracing self-love, prioritizing your well-being, and finding joy in life’s simple pleasures. Your emphasis on health consciousness and choosing yourself is particularly admirable.

    Your blog inspired me to reflect on my own journey in my 50s. Here’s my brief take on how life has continued to evolve:

    1. Surprisingly Fit at 55: My body is fitter now than ever before. I even managed to run 40 miles this past weekend (yes, 40 miles! – quite an achievement for someone who grew up as an unathletic nerd!).

    2. Small Changes, Big Impact: This fitness level came from simple adjustments – eating a bit better, consistent chiropractic care, and daily meditation.

    3. Spiritual Growth: Connecting more deeply with God has profoundly impacted my spiritual and physical health.

    4. Continued Self-Discovery: Like you, I’m still figuring things out, and I’m more comfortable with that process now.

    5. Embracing Change: Each decade brings new surprises and opportunities for growth. I’m excited to see what the future holds!

    It’s amazing how life continues to unfold in unexpected ways. Thanks again for sparking this reflection!

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Dr. Baugher, I’m so happy to hear that this article inspired you to reflect on your own journey as well… WOW, running 40 miles in your 50s?! That’s an amazing accomplishment and it speaks to how well you’re taking care of yourself. I love that you highlighted spiritual growth and embracing change, as those are two important areas that I’m currently growing in. I truly enjoyed reading your comment. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Leslie Avatar

    Yay for 40! I’ll be 40 in December myself. I love my alone time that I didn’t make a priority in my teens and 30’s. I thought I’d have it all figured out by now too, but I’m stuck in this endless spin cycle i’m working to get out of. Thank you for sharing this post, gif we don’t connect again before your birthday then – Happy 40th Birthday!

  17. Nicolle Avatar

    LOVE this!!!! So much truth 😉 Thank you so much for sharing.

  18. Dominique P Avatar
    Dominique P

    Your post is so inspiring and easy to read. I write similar content and I am sitting here, finally reading a few of your posts, and it feels good. So much truth is said and the way you are embracing the change is amazing! Thanks for sharing!

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