PMS Affirmations: Words of Love and Positivity for Period Stress

Positive PMS affirmations are a self-help tool that can help you stay grounded throughout your cycle.

For the last four to five years, affirmations have played a huge role in my daily routine. From building my confidence and self-esteem to increasing my focus, repeating positive affirmations has influenced several areas of my life. However, although affirmations have been a vital part of my daily routine, it only recently occurred to me that I could use them as part of my monthly routine as well.

As my body changes with age (I’m approaching 40!), I’ve been exploring new ways to nourish and empower myself, especially during hormonal shifts. And the days leading up to my period always seem to throw my world off-balance. From headaches and fatigue to mood swings and anxiety, the onset of my period can be quite disruptive.

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably familiar with PMS (premenstrual syndrome), the physical and emotional challenges that many women experience before their period. And like myself, you could probably use a boost of positive energy to get you through that dreadful time.

Along with resting, light exercise, and diet modifications—positive affirmations can be a good addition to your self-care routine. If you’re not familiar with affirmations, they are short, uplifting statements that can strengthen you during difficult times. Here’s a list of 20 PMS affirmations to help you feel at ease throughout your cycle.

  1. My hormones are in perfect balance.
  1. I am sending love, gratitude, and healing to every cell in my body.
  1. I am in charge of my mind, body, and mood.
  1. I can take better care of others when I take good care of myself.
  1. I am naturally stress-free.
  1. My period is a sign that all is well with my body.
Woman meditating on PMS affirmations to ease her mind and body.
  1. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but an act of self-care.
  1. My body is relaxed, and my mind is calm.
  1. I have the power to overcome my anxiety.
  1. I will respect my body when it’s asking for a break.
  1. I will work with my period rather than against it.
  1. I will be kind and gentle with myself during this phase of my cycle.
  1. This discomfort is only temporary.
  1. I honor my unique needs when they arise.
  1. I am healthy—mind, body, and soul.
  1. I appreciate my body for allowing me to experience a range of beautiful emotions.
  1. I am stronger than I think.
  1. I take time for myself because I deserve it.
  1. My body is uniquely and wonderfully made. Therefore, I give it the love and care that it deserves.
  1. No matter what, I will show up and do my best. And my best is always good enough!

If you’ve been struggling during PMS, let these affirmations help put your mind and body at ease. Along with these PMS affirmations, try listening to soothing music, pampering yourself, or wearing cute pajamas to boost your morale when you’re feeling sluggish and low. Explore various self-care methods to determine what works best for you during that time of the month. Just be sure to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being… because you’re worth it!

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26 responses to “PMS Affirmations: Words of Love and Positivity for Period Stress”

  1. Tandy Avatar

    Oh friend! Thank you again for sharing your beautiful words! I am past days of PMS b/c of an early hysterectomy, but these affirmations resonate! They are fantastic affirmations for all women, every where. ♥️

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      My pleasure!! And yes, these affirmations are a self-help tool for ALL women. Thanks for reading, love. I’m glad it resonates.❤️

  2. Angelia Avatar

    These are great! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      You’re more than welcome. Thanks for reading!

  3. Maya Avatar

    Such powerful affirmation. I’m approaching 47 and my periods are on their last leg but still here (!) and as they become more erratic, these are kind and empowering affirmations I can embrace. Thank you

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      I hope these affirmations help relieve your stress, Maya. Thanks for reading, dear. ❤️

  4. Monika Avatar

    Such a good idea to honor our bodies rather feeling sorry for ourselves.

  5. Shakia Avatar

    I love all of the positive affirmations and this will be extremely helpful for me. Thank you so much for sharing!❤️

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      I’m glad you found it helpful! ❤️

  6. Doninique P Avatar
    Doninique P

    It’s a great habit to use affirmations because the mind really rules. What we think and say to each other is powerful!

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Yes, our thoughts and words are so powerful, which is why affirmations are a huge part of my daily routine. Thanks for reading!

  7. Ginger Avatar

    These affirmations are great! We all need some nice, comforting and positive words in our lives, and that’s even truer during our periods. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed these affirmations! And yes, they’re especially helpful during our periods because that’s when we’re often mentally and physically at our lowest. ❤️

  8. Olga Avatar

    After my first pregnancy, my PMS got harder. I’m always angry and ready to cry three days before the actual period. Thank you for this post. I’ll save quotes for later.

    1. Sheenia Denae Avatar

      Olga, I can definitely relate. My PMS symptoms worsened after I had my daughter back in college. I’ve gotten better at managing them over the years, due to self-education and self-care. But It’s still a struggle sometimes! 🥲

  9. Chloe Avatar

    Thank you sharing this.

  10. Saviour Avatar

    Mine may be over the top, but telling myself I was created to be a semi-deity helps keep my self-esteem at its peak.

  11. Candy Avatar

    Thanks for highlighting the benefits of incorporating positive PMS affirmations into your monthly routine to stay grounded during hormonal shifts. Along with other self-care practices, these affirmations will definately help.

  12. Molly | Transatlantic Notes Avatar

    I have never thought of doing this while on my period, but it makes sense to give it a go as I use affirmations for other moments or situations in life. I love these—thanks so much for highlighting this!

  13. Robin Avatar

    This article on PMS affirmations was an eye-opener for me. I’ve never considered using positive affirmations to help with period stress, but your suggestions are so uplifting and practical. As someone who struggles with mood swings and anxiety during PMS, I’m excited to integrate these affirmations into my routine, especially “I will be kind and gentle with myself during this phase of my cycle.” Your personal experiences make the advice even more relatable. Thank you for sharing such empowering tools!

  14. Brittany Tryzbiak Avatar
    Brittany Tryzbiak

    Love this!

  15. Youngandoldermum Avatar

    These are great affirmations to use all of the time, but especially during PMS. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Padma Avatar

    “Your body hears everything that your mind says “ is such a beautiful quote! Thank you for a lovely read!

  17. Noha Avatar

    These affirmations are soo good! And they sound so comforting for that phase

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