Tag: mindset

  • Scriptures for Encouragement: How to Choose Peace Over Worry

    As someone who’s naturally an overthinker, reading soothing bible scriptures for encouragement and hope is imperative for me. Meditating on God’s word helps shift my mindset from fear to faith during moments of uncertainty. Life is often unpredictable. And realizing that many circumstances are beyond our control can leave us feeling powerless and anxious. Concerns…

  • Famous Quotes to Inspire You to Succeed in Life

    No matter how motivated we are to achieve our goals, we will become discouraged at times. Reading famous inspirational quotes from notable people can inspire us to succeed and help reignite our paths. As I navigate the process of growing my blog and pursuing other personal goals, feeding my mind with positive, motivational thoughts has…

  • How to Declutter Your Mind and Regain Peace

    “Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple, but significant.” – Maria Defillo For many people, including myself, spring cleaning is a yearly tradition for embracing the new season and giving our homes a fresh start. But this spring, I’m not really…

  • Positive Self-Talk and Why It’s Important

    “Positive self-talk can build your self-confidence.” – Stanley T. Crawford Negative self-talk is a normal part of the human experience. But for some of us (including myself), it can become a bit extreme—to the point where we begin to believe that the negative things we think and say to ourselves might be true.  If unchecked,…

  • How to Use Positive Affirmations to Improve Your Life

    Our words can uplift and inspire us or tear us down. Our self-talk can be cheerful and supportive of a beautiful life, or it can be negative and self-defeating. It all comes down to the way we speak to ourselves on a regular basis. That is why using positive affirmations can be beneficial to our…