Tag: mindful living

  • Are 30s the Best Years? Here’s What I Love

    In comparison to my 20s, without a doubt, my 30s have been my best years by far. Although I used to worry about getting older, I have to say that this has been an amazing decade, and I’m actually looking forward to experiencing what the next decade might have in store. I’m in my late…

  • Social Media and Mental Health: How to Build Healthy Habits

    There’s no doubt that social media has made a number of positive impacts on our lives. Because of social media, millions of people are able to connect around the world, share important information and research, promote their passions, and express their creativity with others. However—despite its benefits—the connection between social media and mental health is…

  • Mom Burnout: How to Overcome It by Practicing Self-Care

    “It doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom if you have mom burnout. It actually means you’re probably a rockstar mom, and giving way too much of yourself.” This anonymous quote resonated with me several years ago, and is something I have to constantly remind myself. As moms, we tend to go above and beyond for…