Tag: personal growth

  • Perseverance: How to Build Patience and Resistance in Life

    Life is good—but let’s be honest—life can be hard. Maintaining perseverance through life’s ever-changing seasons is an art we’re constantly trying to master. For each of us, life consists of highs, lows, ups, and downs. Certain seasons of our lives may be beautiful beyond words. But other seasons of our lives may be a little…

  • Parenting Mistakes: How to Make Peace with Your Shortcomings

    In parenting, and in life in general, making mistakes is an inevitable part of the journey. Like most moms, I’ve made parenting mistakes in the past, and forgiving myself hasn’t always come easy. In fact, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Like many, I often reflect on certain stages of…

  • To My Younger Self: Advice About Life, Love, and More

    “Dear younger self, you’ve always been enough.” – Alex Elle This month, I’ll be celebrating my 39th trip around the sun (I can’t believe this will be my last year in my 30s!), and I’m beyond excited about this new chapter. More than any of my previous birthdays, I feel an increased sense of gratitude…

  • Positive Self-Talk and Why It’s Important

    Practicing positive self-talk daily can build up your confidence and set the foundation for a productive day. Negative self-talk is a normal part of the human experience. But for some of us (including myself), it can become a bit extreme—to the point where we begin to believe that the negative things we think and say…

  • Wholeness: How to Make Peace with Your Broken Pieces

    “Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.”  – C.G. Jung We’re all broken in some way or another. But it’s how we deal with our brokenness that really matters. Learning to embrace my broken pieces (flaws, insecurities, mistakes, and disappointments) is what I’m working…

  • What I Love About Being in My 30s

    In comparison to my 20s, without a doubt, my 30s have been my best years so far. Although it hasn’t always been easy, this has been an interesting decade, and I’m excited to experience what the rest of it might have in store. I’m in my late 30s now, and I consider this age the…

  • How to Use Positive Affirmations to Improve Your Life

    Our words can uplift and inspire us or tear us down. Our self-talk can be cheerful and supportive of a beautiful life, or it can be negative and self-defeating. It all comes down to the way we speak to ourselves on a regular basis. That is why using positive affirmations can be beneficial to our…